Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Moment and equilibrium Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Moment and equilibrium - Lab Report Example The aim of the experiment is to verify the equilibrium of force on a beam experimentally and analytically using the concepts and equilibrium and finding the reactions of the left and right weights (Lee, 2010). Taking measurements by several people would mechanically give dissimilar values since each individual may stretch the string by diverse tension. To minimize is by stipulating the circumstances that could lead to the error. Taking into consideration of errors presented by the instant working environment. There is need to take into account for or shield the experiment from shakings, drafts, variations in temperature, electronic sound or other effects from neighboring apparatus (Lee, 2010). This error can happen when there is some length or distance between the measuring balance and the indicator used to attain a measurement. If the viewers eye is not directly aligned with the indicator and scale, the interpretation may be extraordinary (Lee,

Monday, October 28, 2019

War Poetry Essay Example for Free

War Poetry Essay Read Owens Dulce et Decorum est. the Kings speech before Agincourt in Shakespeares Henry v. Compare how and why the two Writers manipulate their audiences feelings about war. Dulce et Decorum est was written by Wilfred Owen during the time of world war one. The poem is known for its horrifying imagery and its condemnation of war. The difference between Dulce et Decorum est to Henry v, is that first of all it is written as a personal experience of war where as Henry v is written as a poem in a history play, so its themes and imagery is portrayed from a more personal perspective of war. William Shakespeare the famous playwright, is the author of the poem taken from the history play Henry V. The poem taken is a dramatic monologue by Henry v responding from a comment his cousin Westmoreland. The idea or theme of war is portrayed in both Owens D. E. D and William Shakespeares Henry v. , but they are put across in two very different ways. First of all in Henry v poem is more of a speech from a king ho is trying to install faith among his soldiers and most importantly his cousin Westmoreland. Where as Owens D. E. D is more of a physical and traumatizing account of a war that has already taken place. In Owens D. E. D we can see that the images that are given out are those of struggle not only physical suffering but also those of also mental suffering. With use of similes the physical suffering is shown to us. Coughing like hags is a simile used to relate to something we know and to give us not just to give us an image but a sound of the suffering. As hags is a word used to describe old witch like people. Whereas in HenryV the image created is that of honour and triumph. Images such as st crispians day a day created to remember the soldiers that fought for their country and king.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sacrificial Inequality Essay -- Adam and Eve, Women Studies, Gender Ro

â€Å"Had Adam tenderly reproved his wife, and endeavored to lead her to repentance instead of sharing in her guilt, I should be much more ready to accord to man that superiority which he claims; but as the facts stand disclosed by the sacred historian, it appears to me that to say the least, there was as much weakness exhibited by Adam as by Eve. They both fell from innocence, and consequently from happiness, but not from equality,† (Grimke, 1838). For as long as mankind has been able to function in society, there has always been a line dividing the roles of man and woman. Women have always been the lesser, especially in Western Civilization, and the expectations to be the â€Å"perfect housewife† have continued on into the 21st century. In â€Å"A Doll’s House,† a play set in 19th century Sweden by Henrik Ibsen, a woman named Nora had taken out a loan behind her husband’s back in order to take him to Italy to save his life. She not only had done this in secrecy, but also forged her father’s signature to receive the loan. If Torvald, her husband, were to find out, Nora would be in big trouble, especially since he thought she was like a little child. When Nora’s friend, Mrs. Linde, comes to visit, Torvald finds Nora’s big secret through a series of events and nearly disowns her to save his image. Mrs. Linde, a widow, had left her man, Krogstad—also the man who gave Nora the loan—for a richer man to provide for her family. Although these women had made reasonable sacrifices for their loved ones, their men didn’t understand and allowed society to decide how to react to their women. In â€Å"A Doll’s House,† Ibsen uses Nora and Mrs. Linde to illustrate that women are expected to make sacrifices to their happiness for their family that men wouldn’t m... ...ity for the ones they love because they believe that’ll help the relationship. If Nora had stood up to Torvald before, they may not have even been together anymore because Torvald would’ve realized it was really the â€Å"idea† of Nora that he was in love with and not actually her. This play caused great controversy because a woman had stepped out of what had become â€Å"her place† and been her own person. This was peculiar because it was orthodox for a woman to stay home doing housework and raising children. Although this isn’t how life is today anymore, it is still unusual to society for a man to be doing what was â€Å"a woman’s job.† This is the way it’s been for decades and centuries and the way it may stay for years to come. The only cure to the inequality between genders is to diminish the parallel between nature and nurture and break the stereotypes set up by humanity.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Middle-Class Homelessness in America Essay

Can you imagine yourself standing in line in hope for a cot at a shelter to share with your family, or waiting for a warm meal in a soup kitchen? This is what many middle-class American citizens have succumbed to. Has the American dream been lost, has the middle-class lost its position in the American economy, and has the inequality of income cause the demise of the middle-class? By focusing on the health care reform and record low unemployment rate we overlook the underlying problem; the dwindling middle-class, the backbone of our country. Many studies have been conducted to define middle-class without much success. It has been attempted to relate it to annual income. One study states that yearly incomes between $32,900 and $64,000, another between $50,800 and $122,000, and the U. S. census bureau middle 60% of incomes is the largest range of all lies between$ 20600, and $102,000 as what defines middle-class. Dan Horn notes in the Cincinnati Enquirer â€Å"Psychologist Ken Eisold, a contributor to Psychology today, said, though, that the way people describe their social status has more to do with what’s going on in their heads than their wallets. † Eisold goes on to say that â€Å"it’s really more about identity†. Horn adds that Julie Heath, director of the University of Cincinnati’s Economics Center agrees with Eisold that saying, â€Å"We’re a middle-class family has more than a financial connotations to it, it has a salt-of the earth to it. That’s the bed rock. Essentially this shows that Americans do not base their social status on their income alone, but also on their personal accomplishments and views of where they have come from and where they are going. That being said, the bed rock of the middle-class comes from one of the most common descriptions what living in America is all about; the great American Dream. History tells us that this emotion connected with being middle-class started showing up in the 1830’s. In these times people came to America hoping for the best, and they clung to ideas of how they would make it. They believed that if those ideas and values were kept, that they were middle-class, even if they were not financially. This is how the idea of the Leave it to Beaver life style came into being. In the 1950’s men took white collar jobs while women stayed home and maintained their house and families. They bought homes in the suburbs, nice family cars, and made safe investments. This provided them a sense of stability and many believed this is what the American dream is all about. Today, in pursuit of the dream, to maintain their middle-class status many Americans have higher incomes than their parents did but both parents are working. Yet while doing the best that they that they can possibly do, many are watching their dreams shatter. Erin Currier, director of the Pew Economic Mobility Project, said â€Å"stability is one of the biggest threats to the middle class today. † She goes on to say, â€Å"Though born into middle-class, many fall out by adulthood. † This is due to inflation of basic needs such as health care, day care, college funding, and the rise of the inequality of income. One term often referred to when relating to the middle-class crisis is Income Gap. As defined on the internet by investapedia. om, the income gap is the unequal distribution of household and individual income across the various participants in an economy. A sociology and political science professor at the University of Arizona who studies income inequality and poverty, says that over the past three decades â€Å"is slow income growth compared to general economic growth†¦ a bigger and bigger portion of economic growth has occurred to the wealthiest 1 %, whether the measure is basic wages or total compensation,† says Lane Kenworthy. (CQ researcher 3) There is political risk involved with this shift that is greater than economics and family finances. A large middle class, especially one that is politically active, tends to be a kind of anchor that keeps our country from swinging back and forth. There are typical values that middle-class families acquire and pass on to their children and those values tend to be good for democracy,† states Teresa Sullivan, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at the University of Michigan, and the co-author of The Fragile Middle Class: Americans in Debt. (CQ Researche r 2) The new millennium looked very hopeful for the war on poverty in America. The federal poverty rate was the lowest it had been since 1974 according to CQ Researcher. The next 4 years even better with Housing prices doubling in many cities and increase in home equity loans that brought the Home-ownership rate up to an all time high of 69 percent. In 2008 we would not only see the sand shift out from the false growth of the economy led by the banks and lending companies but our government bail the banks out with $700 billion rescue bill, They did not however bail out the borrower and many lost their homes. Leading to the current middle class crisis. These issues, the rise of the inequality of income and the shattering of the American dream, have led us to the downfall of the middle class. In more recent years the middle-class are finding themselves not only having a decrease in their income due to layoffs and downsizing, but while not able to maintain their dream are losing their homes due to foreclosures. They are now finding themselves sleeping in their cars, if fortunate to still have one. They are waiting in lines for food and shelter, and bathing in gas station rest rooms, standing on street corners and highway exit’s begging for money or work. I have a personal interest in this research because I consider myself a middleclass American who lived through these years of the housing crisis and recession, I have lost a business, I am dealing with the short sale of my home and a threat of foreclosure, I have suffered through divorce and currently I am a struggling single mother. In conclusion the decline of the middle-class has hit very close to home. Although the hope of the American dream dies a slow death in my own heart, because of the continual economic status and burden of the cost of living rising, many like me are losing hope.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Oprah Winfrey Essay

?So you want†¦ to get a degree Why? Let me tell you what society will tell you: Increases your chances of getting a job, Provides you an opportunity to be successful, Be a lot less stressful, Education is the key. Now let me tell you something your parents will tell you: Make me proud, Increases your chances of getting a job, Provides you an opportunity to be successful, Your life will be a lot less stressful, Education is the key. Now let’s look at the statistics, Steve Jobs – net worth seven billion R. I. P, Richard Branson – net worth four point two billion,  Oprah Winfrey – two point seven billion, Mark Zuckerberg, Henry Ford, Steven Spielberg, Bill Gates Now here comes the Coup de grace, Looking at these individuals, what’s your conclusion? Neither of them in being successful, Ever graduated from a higher learning institution. Now some of you may be like, Money is only the medium by which we measure worldly success, And some of you even have the nerve to say â€Å"I don’t do it for the money. † So what you studying for? To work for a charity? Need more clarity? Let’s look at the statistics: Jesus, Muhammed,  Socrates, Malcolm X, Mother Teresa, Spielberg, Shakespeare, Beethoven, Jesse Owens, Muhammad Ali, Sean Carter, Michael Jeffrey Jordan, Michael Joseph Jackson. Were either of these people unsuccessful†¦ or†¦ uneducated? All I’m saying is that, If there was a family tree hard work and education would be related, But school would probably be a distant cousin, Because if education is the key, School is the lock, Because it rarely ever develops your mind to the point where it can perceive red as green and continue to go when someone else said stop. Because as long as you follow the rules and pass exams your cool, But are you aware that examiners have a checklist, And if your answer is something outside the box then the automatic response is a cross, And then they claim that school expands your horizons and your visions, Well tell that to Malcolm X who dropped out of school and is world renowned for what he learn in a prison. Proverbs 17:16 It does a fool no good to spend money on an education, Why? Because he has no common sense. George Bush. Need I say more? Education is about inspiring one’s mind,  Not just filling their head, And take this from me because I’m an ‘Educated’ man myself, Who only came to this realization after countless nights in the library, With a can of red bull keeping me awake till morning, Another can in the morning, Falling asleep between piles of books that probably equates to the same amount I spent on my rent, Memorize equations, facts and dates, Write down to the letter, Half of which I would never remember, And half of which I would forget straight after the exam, Before the start of the next semester,  Asking anyone if they had notes for the last lecture. I often found myself running to class, Just so I could find a spot on which I could rest my head and just sleep without making a scene, Ironic because that’s the only time I ever spent in university chasing my dreams. And then after nights with a dead-mind, I’d den find myself in a queue of half-awake students, zombies, Waiting to hand in an assignment, Maybe that’s why they call it a deadline. And then after three years of mental suppression, And frustration, My â€Å"Proud Mother† didn’t even turn up to my graduation. Now, I’m not saying that school is evil and there’s nothing to gain, All I’m saying is: understand your morals and re-assess your aims, If you want a job working for someone else then help yourself, But then that would be a contradiction because you wouldn’t really be helping yourself, You’d be helping somebody else, There’s a saying that is: if you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to help build theirs. Redefine how you view education, Understand it’s true meaning, Education is not just about regurgitating facts from a book, Or someone else’s opinion on a subject to pass an exam,  Look at it. Picasso was educated at creating art, Shakespeare was educated in the art of all that was written, Colonel Harland Sanders was educated in the art of creating Ken Tucky Fried Chicken. I once saw David Beckham take a free kick, I watched as the side of his Adidas-sponsored boot hit the patent leather of the ball at an angle, Which caused it to travel towards the skies as though it was destined for the heavens, And then as it reached the peek of it’s momentum, As though it changed it’s mind, It switched directions. I watched as the goalkeeper froze,  As though reciting to himself the laws of physics, And as though his brain was negotiating with his eyes, That was indeed witnessing the spectacle that was the leather swan that was swooping towards it, And then reacted, Though only a fraction of a millisecond too late, And before the net of the goal, Embraced the Fifa-Sponsored ball as though it was the prodigal son returning home, And the country, that I live in, Erupted into cheers, I looked at the play and thought, Damn, Looking at David Beckham, There’s more than one way in this world to be, An educated man.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Southwest Airlines and Jetblue essays

Southwest Airlines and Jetblue essays Many ask how can JetBlue offer great service, with low fares and still make a profit while all major carriers are losing money. Running a profitable airline may be as easy as supplying your customers with a clean airplane, arriving on time and having knowledgeable and professional employees. This simple thought process is what Chief Executive David Neeleman had in mind when he started JetBlue more than two years ago. Neelman stated, We set out to bring humanity back to air travel and to make flying more enjoyable. Last year JetBlue earned $14 million on $320 million in revenue and then in the first half of 2002 the carrier netted $27.6 million on $283 million in revenue (Publications Libraryâ„ ¢). Many ask how JetBlue did this with all the turmoil currently in the industry. Lets start with the fact that this two-and-a-half year old airline opened its doors with a blank slate in employee relations. JetBlue is not unionized, which helps keep labor costs to 25.2% of revenues. Compared to Southwest, which spends 33.4% of revenues on labor, and United and Delta, which spends roughly 44% (Publications Libraryâ„ ¢). JetBlues staff is also sufficiently young and many employees take the companies hot stock options over receiving higher cash salaries. Being able to lower labor costs is one aspect of several that has kept JetBlue profitable. JetBlue is the best-capitalized airline start-up in history. This means they are able to invest in the best products available. This can be seen in JetBlues equipment. Many low cost carriers such as Southwest fly older aircraft. However, JetBlue started with the brand new Airbus A320s, which cut down on operating costs. New aircraft are also more reliable, so they spend less time on the ground where they do not make money. The Airbus A320 is also more efficient, so JetBlue spends less on fuel than other carriers do. JetBlue flies point-to-point operations, unlike major carriers who run hu...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Extent To Which Sustainable Development Tourism Essays

The Extent To Which Sustainable Development Tourism Essays The Extent To Which Sustainable Development Tourism Essay The Extent To Which Sustainable Development Tourism Essay The term Sustainability can be described as a province in which world is populating within the transporting capacity of the Earth. This means that the Earth has the capacity to suit the demands of bing populations in a sustainable manner and is hence besides able to supply for future coevalss. Humankind is nowadays confronting the fact that it has exceeded the Earth s carrying capacity with its intensive industrial activities, pollution, and resource development ( Rene. v. Schomberg ) . This means we must do strong and conjunct displacement of development in way where Earth can prolong humankind demands. This conjunct and incorporate action and alteration of way can be referred to as sustainable development. Changes and incorporate action can be foremost applied on micro flat sectors like excavation industries, where cumulative effects of such little alterations can give really good consequences, in footings of sustainable development, ( Rene. v. Schomberg ) . The Brundtland Commission s ( 1987 ) vision of sustainable development is meant to run into the demands of the present coevals without sabotaging the capacity of future coevalss to run into their demands. Sustainable development can be looked at as a procedure ; this procedure involves the economic, societal and cultural facets of world every bit good as the environmental wellness of the planet, ( Brundtland, 1987 ) . This study is to lucubrate on the Mining and Minerals sector, how Sustainable development can be applied to the sector to face present challenges. Challenges in the Sector In the past decennary, the excavation and minerals industry has come under enormous force per unit area to better its societal, developmental, and environmental public presentation, ( Maja mitich ) . Like other parts of the corporate universe, companies are more routinely expected to execute to of all time higher criterions of behavior, traveling good beyond accomplishing the best rate of return for stockholders. They are besides progressively being asked to be more crystalline and capable to third-party audit or reappraisal. In response, a figure of companies, either independently or with other histrions, is set uping voluntary criterions that frequently go beyond any jurisprudence. But even so, some perceivers remain fishy that many concerns are simply prosecuting in public dealingss exercisings and doubt their earnestness. In peculiar, the industry has been neglecting to convert some of its constituencies and stakeholders that it needfully has the social license to run in many countries of the universe. Despite the industry s undoubted importance in run intoing the demand for minerals and its important parts to economic and societal development, concerns about facets of its public presentation prevail. Mining refinement, and the usage and disposal of minerals have in some cases led to important local environmental and societal harm, ( Cronje et al. , 2005 ) . It is non ever clear that mining brings economic and societal benefits to the host states, as the minerals sector sometimes operates where there is hapless administration, including corruptness, ( G.J. Coakley, 1999 ) . In some instances, communities and autochthonal groups near or around mines allege human rights maltreatments. Many states and communities depend on minerals production as a beginning of income and a agency of development. And with turning trade liberalisation and denationalization, much of the investing in minerals geographic expedition and production has turned to developing and passage states. Mining is of import in 51 developing states accounting for 15-50 % of exports in 30 states and 5-15 % of exports in a farther 18 states, and being of import domestically in 3 other states. About 3.5 billion people live in these states, with approximately 1.5 billion populating on less than US $ 2 per twenty-four hours, ( World Bank, 2002 ) . Minerals development can make many chances, including occupations, a transportation of accomplishments and engineering, and the development of local substructure and services. However, there is sometimes a deficiency of capacity, cognition, and inducements to turn investing into development. The industry has generated wealth in direct and indirect ways but, it is alleged, there is a mismatch of chances and jobs the wealth frequently being enjoyed far from the communities and environments that feel the inauspicious impacts. Sustainable development aims A reappraisal of literatures on sustainability suggests that sustainability can be described in footings of societal, economic and environmental provinces that are required in order for overall sustainability to be achieved. The World Summit on Sustainable Development ( WSSD ) ( 2002 ) Plan of Implementation provides scope of sustainable development aims that should be aimed in order to accomplish sustainability. Environmental Sustainable Development Aims: Size, productiveness and biodiversity: Ensure that development conserves or increased the size, biodiversity and productiveness of the biophysical environment. Resource direction: Ensure that development supports the direction of the biophysical environment. Resource extraction and processing: Ensure that development minimizes the usage of support of environmentally damaging resource extraction and processing patterns. Waste and pollution: Ensure that development manages the production of waste to guarantee that this does non do environmental harm. Water: Ensure that development manages extraction, ingestion and disposal of H2O in order non to adversely impact the biophysical environment. Energy: Ensure that development manages the extraction and ingestion of resources in order non to adversely affect natural systems, ( Rene v. Schomberg ) . Economic Sustainable Development Aims: Vol. 3, No. 1 Journal of Sustainable Development, ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) : Employment and self-employment: Ensure that development supports increased entree to employment and supports self-employment and the development of little endeavors. Efficiency and effectivity: Ensure that development ( including engineering specified ) is designed and managed to be extremely efficient and effectual, accomplishing high productiveness degree with few resources and limited waste and pollution. Autochthonal cognition and engineering: Ensure that development takes into history and draws on, where appropriate, autochthonal cognition and engineering. Sustainable accounting: Ensure that development is based on a scientific attack that takes in to account, and is formed by, societal, environmental and economic impacts. An enabling environment: Develop an enabling environment for sustainable development including the development of transparent, just, supportive policies, procedures and frontward planning. Small-scale, local and diverse economic systems: Ensure that development supports development of small-scale, local and diverse economic systems, ( Gibberd, 2005 ) . Social Sustainable Development Aims: Entree: Ensures that development supports increased entree to land, equal shelter, finance, information, public service, engineering and communications where this is needed. Education: Ensure that development improves degrees of instruction and consciousness, including consciousness of sustainable development. Inclusive: Ensure that development processes, and benefits, are inclusive. Health, Safety and Security: Ensure that development considers human rights and supports improved wellness, safety and security. Engagement: Ensure that development supports interaction, partnerships which must be influenced by the people that it affects. This description provides simple definitions for sustainability and sustainable development. A utile facet of the definition is that it provides both an ultimate province that must be strived for a crestless wave set of actions or aims, which if addressed and implemented, will take towards sustainable development, ( Gibberd, 2005 ) . Sustainable Development Framework for the Minerals and Mining Sector Using the construct of sustainable development to the minerals sector does non intend doing one mine after another sustainable . The challenge of the sustainable development model is to see that the minerals sector as a whole contributes to human public assistance and wellbeing today without cut downing the potency for future coevalss to make the same. Thus the attack has to be both comprehensive taking into history the whole minerals system and frontward looking, puting out long-run every bit good as short term aims, ( Bronze Award Essay ) . Traveling from the construct of sustainable development to action requires: a robust model based on an in agreement set of wide rules ; an apprehension of the cardinal challenges and restraints confronting the sector at different degrees and in different parts and the actions needed to run into or get the better of them, along with the several functions and duties of histrions in the sector ; a procedure for reacting to these challenges that respects the rights and involvements of all those involved, to be able to put precedences, and ensures that action is taken at the appropriate degree an incorporate set of establishments and policy instruments to guarantee minimal criterions of conformity every bit good as responsible voluntary actions ; and verifiable steps to measure advancement and surrogate consistent betterment. If the minerals sector is to lend positively to sustainable development, it needs to show uninterrupted betterment of its societal, economic, and environmental part, with new and evolving administration systems. The sector needs a model within which it should judge and prosecute any development. Achieving Success in the Sector One of the cardinal factors for sustainability in this sector is change, a alteration that can merely be realised when all stakeholders are committed in implementing the model for sustainable development. I n other to ease seting sustainable development into pattern in the excavation and minerals sector, policy shapers need to choose a mixture of rules from the sustainable development model outlined above which requires histrions in the minerals sector to be publically committed to explicit and well-understood ends and aims. Leadership from the top is a must, as is the demand to guarantee that all employees understand what sustainable development entails. This is necessary non merely for companies but besides for authorities ministries and sections at all degrees, every bit good as labor, civil society organisations, and host communities, ( Dr. Sekou Conde ) . Decision The construct of sustainable development is non new for it brings together thoughts from a long history of human development into one common model. This is going an progressively of import usher and justice for many histrions whether from authorities, industry, or civil society. There is small disagreement about the wide rules contained in the model, although different groups and persons accord different precedences to the assorted domains economic, environmental, societal, and administration depending on their involvements and their degree of understanding and execution. These precedences will find the waies of action for execution of the rules. The differences do non take away from the high degree vision of sustainable development, which allows for different iterative and of all time bettering attacks. For betterment these actions has to be enforced: Consistency with the sustainable development model ; Continuous and clearly defined aims and inducements to alter towards better pattern ; SMART particular, monitorable, accomplishable, realistic, and time-bound attack ; Enforcing higher degrees of trust and cooperation ; and, Where possible, built on bing constructions and establishments. In many ways the image today is already more positive than it was some decennaries ago. There remains much to be done in bettering the sector s part to all facets of sustainable development. Furthermore, the largest companies and their newest operations at least are now being held to higher criterions. Indeed, the best excavation operations are now in the sustainable development vanguard non simply in front of what local ordinances demand, but accomplishing higher societal and environmental criterions than many other industrial endeavors.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Frequently Asked Questions About Astronomy and Space

Frequently Asked Questions About Astronomy and Space Astronomy and space exploration are  topics that really get people thinking about far away worlds and distant galaxies. Stargazing under a starry sky or surfing the Web looking at images from telescopes always fires up the imagination. Even though a telescope or pair of binoculars, stargazers can get a magnified view of everything from distant worlds to nearby galaxies. And, that act of stargazing spurs a LOT of questions. Astronomers get asked a lot of those questions, as do planetarium directors, science teachers, scout leaders, astronauts, and many others who research and teach the subjects. Here are some of the most-often-asked questions that astronomers and planetarium people get about space, astronomy, and exploration and collected them along with some pithy answers and links to more detailed articles!   Where Does Space Begin? The standard space-travel answer to that question puts the edge of space at 100 kilometers above Earths surface. That boundary is also called the von Krmn  line, named after the Theodore von Krmn, the  Hungarian scientist who figured it out. Earths atmosphere looks very thin when compared to the rest of the planet. The green line is airglow high in the atmosphere, caused by cosmic rays striking the gases up there. This was shot by astronaut Terry Virts from the International Space Station. The legal definition of space is that it begins at the top of the atmosphere. NASA How Did the Universe Begin? The universe began some 13.7 billion years ago in an event called the Big Bang. It was not an explosion (as is often depicted in some artwork) but more of a sudden expansion from a tiny pinpoint of matter called a singularity. From that beginning, the universe has expanded and grown more complex. Most depictions of the beginning of the universe show it almost as an explosion. It was really the beginning of the expansion of space and time, from a small point that contained the entire universe. The first stars formed a few hundred million years after the expansion began. Our universe is now 13.8 billion years old and measures 92 billion light-years across. HENNING DALHOFF / Getty Images What is the Universe Made of?   This is one of those questions that has an answer that is quite mind-expanding. Basically, the universe consists of galaxies and the objects they contain: stars, planets, nebulae, black holes and other dense objects.  The early universe was largely hydrogen with some helium and lithium, and the first stars formed from that helium. As they evolved and died, they created heavier and heavier elements, which formed second- and third-generation stars and their planets. This represents a timeline of the universe from the Big Bang through the present. At the left is the birth event of the cosmos, known as the Big Bang. NASA / WMAP Science Team Will the Universe Ever End? The universe had a definite beginning, called the Big Bang. Its ending is more like the long, slow expansion. The truth is,  the universe is slowly dying as it expands and grows and gradually cools. It will take billions and billions of years to cool completely and stop its expansion.   How Many Stars Can We See at Night? That depends on many factors, including how dark the skies are where. In light-polluted areas, people see only the brightest stars and not the dimmer ones. Out in the countryside, the view is better. Theoretically, with the naked eye and good seeing conditions, an observer can see around 3,000 stars without using a telescope or binoculars.   What Types of Stars Are Out There? Astronomers classify stars and assign types to them. They do this according to their temperatures and colors, along with some other characteristics.  Generally speaking, there are stars like the Sun, which live their lives for billions of years before swelling up and gently dying. Other, more massive stars are called giants and are usually red to orange in color. There are also white dwarfs. Our Sun is properly classified as a yellow dwarf.   This version of the Hertzprung-Russell diagram plots the temperatures of stars against their luminosities. The position of a star in the diagram provides information about what stage it is in, as well as its mass and brightness. A stars type depends on its temperature, age, and other characteristics plotted on diagrams such as this. European Southern Observatory Why Do Some Stars Appear To Twinkle? The childrens nursery rhyme about Twinkle, twinkle little star actually poses a very sophisticated science question about what stars are. The short answer is: the stars themselves dont twinkle. Our planets atmosphere causes starlight to waver as it passes through and that appears to us as twinkling.   How Long Does a Star Live? Compared to humans, stars live incredibly long lives. The shortest-lived ones can shine for tens of millions of years while the old-timers can last for many billions of years. The study of stars lives and how they are born, live, and die is called stellar evolution, and involves looking at many types of stars to understand their life cycles.   This is what a sun-like star looks like as it dies. Its called a planetary nebula. The Cats Eye planetary nebula, as seen by Hubble Space Telescope. NASA/ESA/STScI What is the Moon Made of?   When the Apollo 11 astronauts landed on the Moon in 1969, they collected many rock and dust samples for study. Planetary scientists already knew the Moon is made of rock, but the analysis of that rock told them about the Moons history, the composition of the minerals that make up its rocks, and the impacts that created its craters and plains. Its a largely basaltic world, which implies heavy volcanic activity in its past. What are Moon Phases? The Moons shape appears to change throughout the month, and its shapes are called the phases of the Moon.  They are a result of our orbit around the Sun combined with the Moons orbit around Earth.   This image shows the phases of the Moon and why they happen. The center ring shows the Moon as it orbits around the Earth, as seen from above the north pole. Sunlight illuminates half the Earth and half the moon at all times. But as the Moon orbits around the Earth, at some points in its orbit the sunlit part of the Moon can be seen from the Earth. At other points, we can only see the parts of the Moon that are in shadow. The outer ring shows what we see on the Earth during each corresponding part of the moons orbit. NASA Whats in the Space Between Stars? We often think of space as the absence of matter, but actual space is not really all that empty. The stars and planets are scattered throughout the galaxies, and between them is a vacuum filled with gas and dust.  The gases between galaxies are often there due to a galaxy collision that rips gases away from each of the galaxies in involved. In addition, if conditions are right, supernova explosions can also drive hot gases out into intergalactic space. Whats it Like to Live and Work in Space?   Dozens and dozens of people have done it, and more will in the future! It turns out that, aside from the low gravity, higher radiation hazard, and other dangers of space, its a lifestyle and a job.   What Happens to a Human Body in a Vacuum? Do the movies get it right? Well, not actually. Most of them depict messy, explosive endings, or other dramatic events. The truth is while being in space without a spacesuit WILL kill whoever is unlucky enough to be in that situation  (unless the person gets rescued very, very quickly), their body probably wont explode. Its more likely to freeze and suffocate first. Still not a great way to go. What Happens When Black Holes Collide? People are fascinated by black holes and their actions in the universe. Until very recently, its been tough for scientists to measure what happens when black holes collide. Certainly, its a very energetic event and would give off a lot of radiation. However, another cool thing happens: the collision creates gravitational waves and those can be measured! Those waves are also created when neutron stars collide! When two supermassive black holes collide and merge, some of the excess energy from the event is broadcast as gravitational waves. These can be detected on Earth using very delicate instruments at the LIGO observatory. The SXS (Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes) Project There are many more questions that astronomy and space spur in peoples minds. The universe is a big place to explore, and as we learn more about it, the questions will continue to flow! Edited and updated by Carolyn Collins Petersen.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Resource Management - Essay Example Risk management and improving value should be the key measures to be taken by the CIO. The Cohen act also goes ahead to state the functions of a CIO which is mostly taking measurement of the performance in the company. Performance in the company can be measured according to how much it is of benefit to the company. This is a very key area in the performance management process. The CIO has to develop maintain and facilitate the IT architecture. He should come up with goals and see them through. The CIO should take performance measures to find out the viability of the set goals in regards to the losses the company has suffered and the risks apparent. These risks should be well analysed by the CIO and a plan to execute change should be formulated. Considering the various roles the CIO has to play, there are various executive decisions that will need to be made in light of the problems and risks noted. One of the problems cited was the company expenditure. The company expenditure will be keenly observed to find out which areas exactly take more than necessary. Once found the CIO should come up with way to improve on accountability and service delivery to the consumers at the very end. With a proper financial report on the expenditure in technology in any given financial year should be enough to help the stakeholders make important decisions that will directly affect the company. Communication breakdown between the management and the business units on their job descriptions cost the company a fortune and by communicating through the various channels available would be very essential in ensuring that everyone does what is expected of them. Good communication between all the ranks in the company will ensure that the company goals are properly communicated to all that it concerns and this way, the waste in the system will be easily eliminated. The

The Birds and Psycho Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Birds and Psycho - Essay Example Considering that these two movies are horror movies, the sound and the music tracks involved plays a great role in developing the suspense and tension, which are the major reactions elicited by the movies. While moving from one scene to the other, the sound track keeps changing and advancing in their menacing nature, making the audience feel as if the next scene is happening right there with them. This sound technique has been extensively applied in the movie† the Bird.† At the scene where seagulls set themselves on children during Cathy’s party, the soundtrack that precedes the scene is definitely warning. Additionally, when Melanie goes to check on Cathy at school, out of fear that she might be harmed on her way from school, there is sinister sound track that plays, as the crows are amassing themselves in the school’s play ground ready to attack children, raising tension and creating suspense on the audience as they wait to see what happens next (Raubicheck and Walter, 28). The same ominous application of sound can be identified in the movie â€Å"Psycho†. The sound track that is applied in the scene where Marion enters a bathroom to shower is terrifying. The sound track precedes the coming of a shadowed-figure of a woman, who stabs her to death. The sounds playing before the scene where the detective is attacked by the shadowed woman figure , creates great tension and suspension, which makes the audience anticipate, without any doubt that something terrible is going to happen. And sure enough, the suspense and tension is confirmed by the sudden stabbing of the detective to death (Raubicheck and Walter, 56). Strange and undisclosed character use is yet another comparison between the movies, "The Birds" and â€Å"Psycho". In both movies, it is not clear what causes the attacks and deaths that occur. Alfred Hitchcock uses strange characters in both movies, where in â€Å"the Bird†,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Production and Operations Management Term Paper

Production and Operations Management - Term Paper Example Taking four days to reach Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP), it further takes 10 days to reach Marathons Robinson, Ill refinery which is processed into gasoline, diesel, fuel, and other petroleum products such as fuel oil, kerosene, asphalt, jet fuel, tolvene, xylene, and benzene within 8 days in Phase III. The refined products are later shipped to Marathon owned terminals in further 8 days after which are stored for six days before being transported to jobbers, dealers or other convenience stores which are further transported to brand stations of Marathon. It should be noted that refined products are stored at the terminals for three to six days before being transported to various centres ( According to video, it takes almost 35 days to offer oil products to Americans and this could be reduced further if the storage time is limited to few days or may even directly transport the products to jobbers, dealers, convenience stores and brand stations of Maratho n. Hence, Phase V could be improved to reduce the time for supply of oil fuels in the United States. 2) In order to understand the relationship between the retail price of gasoline and the world demand for crude oil, it is necessary apply the law of demand to the problem. According to the law demand, when price raises, the demand for the good falls and when the price falls, the demand rises (Mankiw and Taylor, 2006, p.65). This law is in complete contrast to oil product because it is the top prioritized good which runs the national and international economy. It is important to mention here that the United States imports 42 million gallons of gasoline every day in addition to the gasoline produced by U.S. refineries apart from importing crude oil in order to meet the high demand of gasoline. The world demand for crude oil is 87.7 million barrels per day while U.S alone requires 19.7 mmbd out of which 46 percent is used for the production of gasoline ( World demand for crude oil is increasing day by day and consumption of gasoline is increasing 0.5 to 0.10 percent each day. United States share of purchasing crude oil depends of the world demand because if world demand decreases the US can import more crude oil which will have positive effect on the market making the government possible to supply gasoline and meet the ever increasing demand. Otherwise, the price of gasoline will increase due to shortage of supply in US market and increasing world demand for crude oil. Thus there is a definite relationship between gasoline prices and world demand for crude as the decrease in latter will result in the decrease of prices in United States 3) Marathon delivers the products to jobbers, dealers and other convenient stores through various modes of transports. However, Marathon also operates its own convenience stores branded as ‘Speedway’. It is the wholly owned subsidiary of Marathon. Oil is a commodity which powers the internatio nal economy. Most of the organizations are dependent of refined oil products which make it more important for the companies dealing in oil products to formulate a strategy in advance citing future crisis of reduced global production of crude oil ( Marathon, which already operates chain of convenience stores, must design a strategy to attract customers without changing the prices even if the global production decreases. Fuel

Criminal Law Foundations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Criminal Law Foundations - Research Paper Example Finally, the 6th Amendments to the United States Constitution provides a constitutional safeguard by giving the citizens a chance to know the evidence presented against them and to confront their accusers (Family Rights, 2013). This remarkably includes the substantial point of incurring speedy and public trial to be officiated by impartial juries. The accused must then be able to know the nature and cause of the accusation. Transparency is encouraged as the witnesses and the accused must confront each other. In this regard, it is important to create a compulsory process to take witnesses that would stand on individual’s favor. Furthermore, to guarantee remarkable defense, an individual should have to acquire Assistance of Counsel. In this paper, the proponent tries to evaluate the constitutional safeguards provided by the above Amendments to the US Constitution as they apply to both adult and juvenile court proceedings. Concerning this, the discussion of the impact that these safeguards have on the day-today operation of adult and juvenile courts is included. Constitutional safeguards and adult and juvenile courts A warrant is a form of formal and legal request that is legally binding for it seeks not to violate the individual’s right for reasonable search and seizure. ... tect their life and properties, the 4th Amendments to the US Constitution is a way of strengthening an individual’s constitutional right to feel the safety that everyone must freely enjoy within the state. Concering this, adult and juvenile courts are obliged to perform or observe this legal process in order to guarantee actual emancipation of the required constitutional safeguards to ensure actual implementation of consistent basic constitutional rights from all ages, particularly in hearing adult and juvenile cases. For instance, so as not to intimidate a child or a minor, who happens to have basic rights covered by the Constitution, the right legal process is necessary and so employing warrant to initiate reasonable search and seizure would simply make sense for this matter. The 5th Amendments to the US Constitution only strengthens the citizenship of the individuals and the privileges offered by the state that are set open to be equal for all. Under the criminal justice sy stem, this simply is a call not to violate the human rights especially by compelling a man or a child to tell something that may stand against one’s will or welfare, without substantial touch of truth and appropriate legal process. For this reason, a crime investigator has no right to initiate physical pain or harm to the accussed just to make sure that the suspect will tell something that will finally stand to witness against himself. Employing the same to minor could be considered as child abuse if the law relevant to it would be placed open for interpretation. On the other hand, the 5th Amendments to the US Constitution also provide a way to allow everyone to experience generally the liberty to use public property. Discriminations are entirely discouraged. Thus, allowing people, of all ages

Thursday, October 17, 2019

DSL Services In my Area Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DSL Services In my Area - Case Study Example There are a number of companies that offer internet provisional service in the Upper Marlboro community. These include: the Verizon, EarthLink, XFINITY by Comcast and the dishNET company. In this case, the focal point of this study uses the EarthLink internet company since it the only firm that offers both the DSL and Cable modem services with favorable download speeds. When it comes to selecting an appropriate DSL or Cable connection, there are a number of factors that one has to consider, for example, the speed or internet bandwidth and the popularity of use between the two. The internet bandwidth speeds for the two types of connectivity vary greatly in the Upper Marlboro area. A cable modem connection using the EarthLink Internet Company offers a peak of up to 15 Mbps (megabytes per second) for both the download and uploads speeds. This is slower compared to the DSL connection service offered by the same company. The DSL internet connection only provides up to 7 Mbps (megabytes per second) for downloads and uploads. Some other aspects of an internet connection that an interested party ought to look at are the cost and reliability of the connection. Having constant access and reliable internet connection at an affordable cost is valuable for any internet subscriber. The subscription cost demanded by the EarthLink Cable Internet is a monthly payment of $29.95 compared to the $14.95 a month budget for subscribing to a DSL connection. The logical implication in the above features is that the Cable modem connection is the most reliable since it has a higher bandwidth and dial up connection. The Verizon Company and the XFINITY Internet Company do not offer both of the packages, but instead provide DSL and Cable modem services respectively. The most lucrative DSL package the Verizon Company provides is the Verizon High Speed Internet Enhanced package that

MEDICATION ERRORS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

MEDICATION ERRORS - Essay Example The aim of medication is to alleviate a patient from his/her illness and improve his quality of life. Many risks are associated with providing drug therapy as mistakes can result in the lose life or adverse effects on the patient’s health. Hospitals should organize their systems for producing, dispensing and administering medications to reduce the probability of medication errors. Errors can occur at different stages of the system, either in the pharmaceutical company, the hospital, the practitioner, the nurse or even the patient. The hospital can implement formulary systems, whereby the doctors, nurses, patients and pharmacists form societies that evaluate previous medication errors and formulate principles to annihilate the reoccurrence of such mistakes. Charting systems can be used to reduce the amount of medication errors. These systems can be combined with a decision support feature which will helps detect any inconsistencies in the diagnosis. These systems should also be in the form of real time entry; this allows the next nurse to be up to date with the treatment. Independent double checks can also be carried out before a drug is administered to the patient. This process involves two nurses verifying the drug diagnosed to a patient by ensuring it coincides with his medical condition (Whitehead, 2012). This method detects and helps avoid errors at the point of care. However, when the nurses are under stressful working conditions, the double check method has a failure rate of 20% and some errors are undetected. Drugs which have serious adverse effects when administered incorrectly should be placed on high alert. More caution should be taken when prescribing these drugs and they should be double checked with higher caution. Information technology can also be used to try and prevent the number of medication errors. Bar medication administration has also been introduced to reduce the amount of medication errors

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

DSL Services In my Area Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

DSL Services In my Area - Case Study Example There are a number of companies that offer internet provisional service in the Upper Marlboro community. These include: the Verizon, EarthLink, XFINITY by Comcast and the dishNET company. In this case, the focal point of this study uses the EarthLink internet company since it the only firm that offers both the DSL and Cable modem services with favorable download speeds. When it comes to selecting an appropriate DSL or Cable connection, there are a number of factors that one has to consider, for example, the speed or internet bandwidth and the popularity of use between the two. The internet bandwidth speeds for the two types of connectivity vary greatly in the Upper Marlboro area. A cable modem connection using the EarthLink Internet Company offers a peak of up to 15 Mbps (megabytes per second) for both the download and uploads speeds. This is slower compared to the DSL connection service offered by the same company. The DSL internet connection only provides up to 7 Mbps (megabytes per second) for downloads and uploads. Some other aspects of an internet connection that an interested party ought to look at are the cost and reliability of the connection. Having constant access and reliable internet connection at an affordable cost is valuable for any internet subscriber. The subscription cost demanded by the EarthLink Cable Internet is a monthly payment of $29.95 compared to the $14.95 a month budget for subscribing to a DSL connection. The logical implication in the above features is that the Cable modem connection is the most reliable since it has a higher bandwidth and dial up connection. The Verizon Company and the XFINITY Internet Company do not offer both of the packages, but instead provide DSL and Cable modem services respectively. The most lucrative DSL package the Verizon Company provides is the Verizon High Speed Internet Enhanced package that

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Shanghai from Colonial to Postcolonial Research Paper

Shanghai from Colonial to Postcolonial - Research Paper Example Further, the Americans, French, Germans, British and Russia came in to set their distinctive Western Style banks, mansions and trading houses leaving behind the long-lasting architectural legacy. The Japanese conquered China with an intension of capturing Shanghai in 1937. Further, the Jews again came in Shanghai to flee persecution that later made them to be forced to ghettoes by the Japanese in 1941 (Pott Web). Later in 1943, the Chinese and the Japanese surrounded all the foreigners in Shanghai and matched them off to various prison campgrounds. In connection to this, the Britain and the U.S.A were forced to sign the treaty to return the various settlements to Shanghai but under the Chinese rule. In 1949, the Communists came to Shanghai to rule. During these periods, the city remained a major industrial Centre boosting the population. Industrialization increased and several high buildings were constructed that further raised the population of Shanghai making the city to grow rich (Pott Web). In 1983, the Shanghai Museum was found and Oriental Pearl Tower was put up then followed by the Mao Tower in 1999. The People Liberation Army under the new People Republic of China to ok control of Shanghai that led to most foreigners to move their offices from Shanghai to Hong Kong due to the Communist victory. The lower stretches of River Yangtze that’s runs through the city of Shanghai deposits lots of mud to its bay creating beautiful alluvial plain features. The River flow of the Yangtze, tides and wind has equally contributed to the formation of the alluvial plain including the present Yangtze River Delta (Pott Web). Shanghai delta on the East tip covers an approximate area of 6, 340.5 square kilometers that contributes to 2, 448.1 square miles. The Shanghai city lies on the altitude of three to five meters that is relatively made up of soft and loose soil. The city is made up of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Computer network Essay Example for Free

Computer network Essay Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as  justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network   Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology  offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete  network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for  centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access  should be segmented from the company POS services.   Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Are Computers Putting Our Childrens Education at Risk? :: essays research papers

Computers are woven into every aspect of our lives. From the microwave oven that small children can learn to use to heat up a hot dog, to the computers under the hoods of our cars, we interact with computers whether we realise it or not. (Campbell, 1999). But when it comes to the education of our children, the use of computers becomes a controversial issue. Of course, as stated above, computers are an everyday tool in the education of children, but the question being asked is, what effect do these computers really have on our children? Are computers being used in age-appropriate ways? Do program designers take into account the developmental needs of children? Are teachers receiving sufficient technology training? Is "learning software" really what it purports to be, or is it simply "edutainment" that reinforces impulsive point-and-click behaviour in the pursuit of a trivial goal? (Healy 1998) Many people are beginning to wonder about these questions, and are comin g to the conclusion that computers may be very harmful to the development of our children. Academically, physically, socially and emotionally. There are many negative issues surrounding the use of computers as educational tools. These range from ineffective learning, impacts on children’s health, creativity, brain development and social and emotional growth. Also, besides the issue of computers affecting children’s development, there is the ongoing issue of costs of this new and constantly updating technology. These issues, combined with many others, are beginning to emerge, and we can see why many people are reconsidering the validity of computers in education, especially that of young, primary school-aged children. In relation to the issue of the negative effects computers have on the physical development of children, Jane Healy has presented the following fact: The American Academy of Paediatrics has expressed concern about the amount of time children spend in front of various types of screens, and several experts in eye development have stated that computer use is creating problems in children developing visual systems. (Healy 1998, p.18) Healy also cites literature that suggests that during the first six years of life, misuses of technology may adversely affect brain maturation and development. Computers do have physical effects on those who use them, and these effects can be serious and long lasting, even permanent. Moreover, they contribute to a wide range of disorders – to muscle, joint and tendon damage, to headaches and eyestrain, to seizures and skin problems.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Assisted Suicide and the Right to Choose Essay -- Euthanasia Physician

     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Abstract: Religious or moral beliefs may prevent some of us from seeking the assistance of others to hasten our own death. But should we hold others accountable because of the standards that we choose to live by? With adversaries of assisted-suicide opposing the legalization of such acts, we are forcing our beliefs onto others who prefer peace and comfort at their time of death. As Christians, non-Christians, philosophers, teachers and laypersons, we all share one very key affiliation other than life and death itself. We are born with the "freedom of will", either by the Grace of God, or some other greater force. As such, it appears logical that we have some preconceived right to choose whether or not we aggressively seek death.   Throughout the centuries, there has been increasing debate regarding suicide and the acceptable reasons for committing such an act. Plato, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and David Humes are just a sample of the many philosophers and theologians that have commented on this delicate subject - each with slightly differing views. For this essay, I will focus on assisted suicide as it relates to the development of acceptable standards that would be uncompromising to the beliefs and ideals of differing social groups. It is in this manner that I will attempt to outline some of the increasingly difficult dilemmas presented by this hotly debated subject. Do terminally ill patients have the right to choose death with the assistance of others? Do religious and political leaders have the right to intervene with a patientà ­s decision to die with the assistance of others? These two questions are some of the many about which this increasingly complex debate thrives. Society is often asked to answer each ques... ...on à ± The Second Year." Amy D. Sullivan, Katrina Hedberg, David W. Fleming. The New England Journal of Medicine. February 24, 2000. v.342, n.8 "A Right to Choose Death? Moral Argument for the Permissabilty of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide." F. M. Kamm. Boston Review on the WEB. Summer, 1997. "Beyond the Call of Duty: A Daughter Reflects on the Meaning of Her Motherà ­s Suicide. Vivian Rothstein. Boston Review on the WEB. Summer, 1997. "Right To Die Denied" Online Focus(PBS Newshour). June 26, 1997. Books Uhlmann, M. (1998) . Last Rights? Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Weir, R. (1997) . Physician-Assisted Suicide. Indiana: Indiana University Press Shavelson, L. (1995) A Chosen Death. New York: Simon & Schuster Hamel, R., DuBose, E. (1996) Must We Suffer Our Way To Death? Texas: Southern Methodist University Press   

Friday, October 11, 2019

How does knowledge of the foundations and history of nursing provide a context in which to understand current practice? Essay

In order to be a success in anything, one needs to have a foundation. Children’s foundations are created by their parents. Concrete manmade objects have deep structural foundations. Beliefs such as religious or spiritual beliefs are less tangible. But like nursing, the history and the role models that came before us are the foundations upon which we continue to practice. Through trial and error and through painstaking groundwork, our founders such as Florence Nightingale and others (†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.20..) have provided the foundation for the future growth of nursing. I noticed three trends from the required timeline reading: Florence Nightingale looked at trends affecting the health and healing of patients. By doing so, she help to reform how the health organization looked at sanitary conditions, thereby improving the infection rate (Creasia & Friberg, 2011). The research for the containment of infectious microbes continues today. In the last year or so, the new policy â€Å"gel in, gel out† has been implemented in many hospitals as they discovered that nurses often did not wash their hands between patients. Antiseptic gel has been placed just inside every patient room, along with being in the corridors. Another trend that began way back when and continues today is the need for continuing education in nursing. Linda Richards (nee 1841-1930) received the first diploma in nursing, and went on to organize schools for further the education of women. (†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) These women were already tending to the sick, but by enriching their knowledge, they became better caregivers. Today, the trend continues. There is a push for all nurses to get their BSN’s. To understand the theory behind their actions will improve healthcare outcomes. Isabel Adam Hampton Robb was the first president of the American Nurses Association. She recognized the power that nurses have if they unite in their beliefs. She was a founder of the American Journal of Nursing (NursingWorld, 2013), which still exists today. The American Nurses Association and its peer reviewed journal, NursingWorld also remain in existence. These journals continues to inform and educate the nursing profession with current information, new polices and theories. These trends show us that the nursing profession is an ever changing profession, that need to evolve with our ever changing society.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Stylistic Analysis of Zombieland

â€Å"Zombieland† is a film where a lot of stylistic choices were made. Especially the opening scene says a lot about the film and the characters. Mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing and sound shape the film’s effect on the viewer. The film begins in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. The first shot is unbalanced to prime our expectation that something will change position. The shot is of the American flag, which is focused while the background is unfocused which means it indicates that the flag is of importance.From the close-up of the American flag we get a handheld panning shot of a car crash, this shows us a deeper meaning: America has fallen. While the actor stands up with his body-mounted camera it creates an illusion of a point of view shot, tracking what the eyes see. This illusion is emphasized after a zombie is attacking the character. The point of view shot transitions into a close up of the zombie breaking the fourth wall by looking right into the camera. The entire opening scene has titles in them that change every few seconds as the previous actor has destroys them.The filmmakers used bold red font for the titles. Red is used because it symbolizes blood and death, which represents the gore within the film. The titles are the actors/actress, production and filmmaker’s names. Another artistic choice is the use of ramping; the entire sequence is slowed down to slow motion. This gives the sequence a dramatic effect and it increases the intensity of the moment created subsequently the picture fade away. When it fades back; the first scene of the movie is shown. The exposure during the whole movie is half a stop darker than a usual exposure.The color of the film is natural, which gives the movie a more realistic tone. It shows the world as it is. What also becomes visible in this film is the unrestricted narration. Meaning that we are only confined to what the character sees and since it takes place in the time of a zombie apocal ypse, it gives the story a realistic feel, this because we function unrestricted too. We only see something when we are directly looking or sensing it. For instance Columbus; we see the world mainly through his eyes. Columbus narrates the entire story. Herewith we built up a relationship with this film character.We feel sympathy for him. Big motifs in the film are his rules of survival and a parallelism where Columbus is talking about the death (of a zombie) of the week with Tallahassee. Columbus mentions these things quite a few times in the film. Sound is also a big part of the film. There is a non-diegetic soundtrack used throughout the title sequence, which is rock music and when the American flag appears, the music changes to the American anthem, which is slightly lower pitched and distorted. This adds to the whole imagery of the film. Then you also have Columbus’s observations and comments that run throughout the film as well.Director and editor also used diegetic sound , which is mainly used for the growling of the zombies when they are attacking people. The sound of the zombies growling is low pitched and the amplitude of the vibrations is loud. Another big part of the film is mise-en-scene. For instance the setting; throughout the film the filmmakers made use of a lot of local areas like on location settings. â€Å"Zombieland† was filmed in Atlanta, GA so they used a lot of practical locations like the grocery store and the amusement park in which a big fight between the living and the undead played out.The settings the director and producer have chosen are not typical for a horror film since they’re well lit daily life locations. The lighting is mainly high key, which emphasizes the use of the setting since this kind of lighting gives an upbeat mood to the scene. The establishing shot of the post-apocalyptic world is mainly lit low-key to show how annihilated the world is. Natural light is not often used. Although the setting and lighting are not stereotypical horror they are all stereotypical for television, like sitcoms and comedies, which is what the film is going for since its main genre is Comedy.The overall lighting in the film makes the situation of the people in more realistic. It seems that this could happen in the real world. Another part, which is also important for the mise-en-scene, is makeup and the costumes. Costumes and make-up are different for the humans and the zombies. The zombies are covered in blood; their body seemed to rot and their costumes are ripped away from their body. The humans are dressed in everyday clothes with simple make-up. The make-up of the zombie is mainly paint-brushed realistically, reflecting the stereotypical Horror genre.The Comedy in this film is shown through facial expressions and body language. During the whole film the axis of action is maintained, ensuring that the position of the person in the frame remains a consistent screen duration and eyeline. If the a xis of action would not be maintained it could create jump cuts this could also affect the mood and sphere of the film, which could distract the audience. The temporal continuity in the film is in complete continuity. None of the sounds are elided; this makes the scene more intense because the viewer is not distracted by the sound that is slightly jumped over.The flashbacks cause certain disunity in the film, since they are not elements that fit in the already established pattern. Columbus is geeky and neurotic character, as is shown through his narration during the film. It reveals that he is lonely, and through the cinematography it becomes clear that his loneliness is the gravity of the film. This by showing how the world to him became to: â€Å"Shit storm†. The way it was shot shows his view on the world and how terrible it became. This makes him even more aware of how lonely he is since there is nobody he can interact with. He can’t even escape into his virtual wo rld like he used to.Even low-key lighting shows how grim the world became to him. The setting also contributes to show his loneliness, like the freeway, which is abandoned. His facial expression during the movie is expressing one mood: anxiety. Even when he is with Tallahassee he carries around the feeling of anxiousness and desolation until he meets Wichita. This is when the setting changes to a more colorful and saver surrounding: Bill Murray’s house. All in all, this film is about Columbus’s loneliness and how that develops throughout the movie with the help of numerous techniques as cinematography, mise-en-scene, sound and editing.

Freedom: John Stuart Mill Essay

1. John Stuart Mill: Freedom Freedom is generally defined, by a dictionary, as the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited (Cambridge). This means there is no interference or influence in ones’ actions or opinions by anyone else. There is no domination or dictatorial government who affects these actions or opinions. John Stuart Mill, an English philosopher and economist, gives a similar view on freedom as the Cambridge dictionary, and looks at the ‘nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual’ (Mill, 6). Mill’s view of freedom, as he writes in his book On Liberty, is that â€Å"Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign,† (Mill, 13). By this he means that an individual is free when they make independent choices, have independent opinions and have independent actions. When a person thinks and acts without the influence of outside opinion, a person exercises his or her own freedom. Mill divides human liberty into three regions. The first is the ‘domain of the conscience’ and ‘liberty of thought and feeling,’ (Mill, 15). The second is the ‘liberty of tastes and pursuits,’ and ‘framing the plan of your life’ (Mill, 16). The third region is ‘the freedom to unite, for any purpose not involving harm to others’ (Mill, 16). He states that if a society has a respect for these three regions of human liberty, then a society is free (Mill, 16). ‘The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it’ (Mill, 16). However, he states that if an individual exercises their freedom in a way that threatens harm to another, there should be interference to prevent harm from being done. He asserts that the only time anyone can interfere with or exercise power over an individual’s liberty is when that individual is threatening harm to another and this interference is used for self-protection, (Mill, 13). If an individual is practicing their own freedom in their own way, without preventing others from doing so, then there should be no interference with the individual. For example, if an individual decides to drink an alcoholic beverage, such as a beer, at 10 in the morning, then there should be no interference with that. He knows alcohol is harmful, he is choosing to drink the beer and as long as his actions do not interfere with anyone else then he should not be interfered with. However if his drinking makes him violent, and he decides to start a fight with someone else, there should be interference to prevent the intoxicated individual from causing harm to another individual. Mill’s states that the right of liberty does not apply to children, ‘those who are still in a state to require being taken care of by others’ or ‘backward states of society’ (Mill, 14). Another struggle discussed by Mill in his book, is the struggle between society and the individual about which should have control over the individual’s actions. Mill observes that the world seems to be in a place where in a society, laws and public opinion have more power over an individuals’ actions and thoughts, than the individual has over himself. However society seems to prefer conformity and even demand it. Mill argues that due to conformity, an individual is unable to make meaningful choices, which keeps him from personal development. He believes that freedom, along with individuality, is essential to both individual as well as social progress (Mill, 66). Conformity keeps people from learning from each other and they are unable to approach their life in an appealing way. In his opinion, â€Å"the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race,† (Mills, 19.) When contrasting Mill’s view on freedom with the Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinozas’ view, there is a clear difference. Spinoza defined freedom as self-caused, which implied that only God can be free (Kisner, 8). He did not believe that humans could be free because we are not free from being determined by outside agents (McKinnon, 109). He also believed that finite things, such as a humans’ brain, could not make a choice that was not caused by external factors. In Spinoza’s IIp48 he asserted that â€Å"In the Mind there is no absolute, or free, will, but the Mind is determined to will this or that by a cause that is also determined by another, and this again by another, and so to infinity.† He did not believe in free will, because he strongly believed that something cannot be caused by nothing, therefore God is the only entity that is free, as he is not limited by outside agents (Kisner, 12). For example, an individual taking a sip of water could argue that they did so because they chose to do so. However external factors are involved as the choice to drink water could be because they wanted to prove that they have free will, which would be because they believed in free will. The individual could also have chosen to drink water because of thirst, which was caused by the individual’s body losing water, which could be a cause of playing sports in the hot sun, due to being part of a school sports team, and so on until infinity. Friedrich August Hayek, an Austro-Hungarian economist and philosopher, has an interesting similar yet opposing view from Mill’s. His view of freedom is when an individual is not a part of ‘coercion by the arbitrary will of another or others’ (Lukes, 160) but also that it is ‘not the absolute liberty to do as one pleases, rather it is a recognition of the necessity of law and morality in order to ensure that human interaction is cooperative and orderly,’ (Horwitz). For Hayek freedom depends on whether an individual can make his own individual decisions on what course of action to take, or whether somebody else uses power to manipulate this person’s choice of action, to make the individual act as they want them to (Lukes, 160). Hayek states that a society with law should try and maintain negative freedom, the freedom to not do anything prohibited and to avoid positive freedom, giving people the power to do things, which allows people to be absent from coercion, as there is no inequality in power under the law (Roberts). Hayek and Mill share the belief that freedom involves no coercion. An individual should not be manipulated or forced to do something that the individual did not decide himself. However Hayek and Mill disagree on the view of conformity. While Hayek states that law and morality are important for a society, Mill disagrees and says that it keeps individuals from progressing, and that it hurts a society as a whole. In conclusion, there are many philosophers who have contrasting as well as similar views on freedom as John Stuart Mill. Mill believes that a person is responsible for his or herself, the way the act, what their opinion is, and should not be interfered with unless the individual poses a threat to someone else. Bibliography MLA Cambridge University. â€Å"Definition of Freedom Noun from Cambridge Dictionary Online: Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus.† Cambridge Dictionary Online: Free English Dictionary and Thesaurus – Cambridge University Press. Cambridge University, 2010. 11 Sept. 2011. . Horwitz, Steven. â€Å"Hayek and Freedom.† The Freeman. May 2006. 13 Sept. 2011. . Kisner, Matthew J. Spinoza on Human Freedom: Reason, Autonomy and the Good Life. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2011. Lukes, Steven. Power: a Radical View. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. McKinnon, Catriona. Issues in Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2008. Mill, John Stuart. On Liberty: 1859. 4th ed. London: Longman, Roberts & Green, 1869. <> Roberts, Andrew. â€Å"Friedrich Hayek and Freedom.† Study More. Middlesex Universty, 2007. 13 Sept. 2011. .

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

City Government Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

City Government - Research Paper Example Either of these statements makes Greater Los Angeles area the second biggest metropolitan area in the United States of America. The US Census Bureau indicated that the Los Angeles Metropolitan region covers 4,850 square miles, while the broader joined statistical region has 33,954 square miles thus making it the biggest metropolitan area in the US by land mass. However, almost three quarters of this region lies in sparsely populated Eastern region of San Bernardino and Riverside counties. Additional, Greater Los Angeles Area is an international center of education, tourism, trade, sports, transportation, fashion, and media (Haughton and Collin 56). Urbanization form of the Great Los Angeles Area Historically, the Greater Los Angeles has a reputation of spreading out in the sense that it has densely populated urbanized region with a population of 5,309 per square mile. The rapid sprawl in Greater Los Angeles is attributed to the decentralization structure of the area. It is known for its strong financial, cultural, and commercial institutions that are dispersed geographically rather than being confined in one central area. Within the urbanized areas of the Greater Los Angeles area, it has low-buildings due to regulations in Zoning. The urban form of the Greater Los Angeles is attributed to the first early years of the twentieth century when the region was marked by dense but split cities that were connected by rail. The emergence of automobile aided in closing the gaps between commuter towns with less dense populations. Development in Greater Los Angeles Area continues to take place in both the urbanized and central areas. For instance, there is a vigorous residential house development in downtown places with both renovation and construction of new building take shape. Greater Los Angeles identity The term Southland or Greater Los Angeles are used to refer to the metropolitan region. Employment is not enshrined in one area but it is widespread in the entire regi on. As such, people travel throughout Greater Los Angeles and its suburbs in diverse directions for the tasks and daily chores, with majority of these people going to the municipalities in the city outskirts of Los Angeles. Regional identity in the area is evident in that most residents do not acknowledge interacting and associating with the region in its entirety. For instance, orange county residents like to be recognized different from Los Angeles despite the fact that they share same metropolitan area with Los Angeles County (Census Bureau 41). Greater Los Angeles Boundaries Orange County Orange County in conjunction with Los Angeles County makes up Los Angeles Metropolitan area, a major region of the Greater Los Angeles Area. The development and change in Los Angeles influenced rapid growth in population in Orange County. The creation of tourism permitted it to become a significant economic area. Currently, Orange County is recognized for tourism attraction like Knott’s Berry Farm and its different beautiful coastline and beaches. Some cities such as Irvine and Anaheim developed because of cultural and business attractions in the area. Orange County is divided into the South and the North. The North is dominantly whites demographically and developed than the South. The division in Orange County is a result of demographic and cultural differences that has been there for many decades